Big Bluestem Audubon Society is going to be having a SUPER FUN Trivia Night on Saturday, March 1 at the Torrent Brewing Company in Ames (504 Burnett Ave). This is a MUST DO activity that will have you coming back for more. Lots of AWESOME door prizes will be given out through the night & it is a great chance to meet up with your friends or family to see how much knowledge you each have.
A flyer for this event is on this website under ABOUT US, NEWS AND NOTES.
Doors will open at 6:30 pm but the questions begin at 7:00 pm. If you have not been to a TRIVIA NIGHT before, the way this works is:
1. You email Heather, BBAS Treasurer ,, telling her who will be on your team (please put Trivia Night in the subject line). Typically
it is 4-6 people. If you want to come with a group of less than 4, we WILL NOT turn you away. You
can be a smaller team or join in with another group to make a team of maximum 6. Hey, you make
friends that way! If you aren't sure who may commit to your team, just email me a number of how
many you think would come. Ask anybody you know, family, friends, colleagues, neighbours. It's a
great way to connect. . All Ages are welcome. Some of the kids know a lot about music or other
subjects, so they are great to have in your group. Also, email me if you're coming alone.
2. You are welcome to bring your own snacks that will stay on your table for your friends to share. But
you can also buy from the brewery.
3. There are 10 rounds of 10 questions at 10 pts apiece. At the end, the maximum score could be 1000.
4. There are 10 categories of questions throughout the night, so making up a team with a wide range of
knowledge is best, rather than everybody, for instance, who only knows history.
5. The cost per person is only $10. Hey! That's cheaper than going to a movie or bowling, plus much
funner, social, you get to talk (although not on cell phones), & you will help bird conservation which
is our goal.
6. Prize money will be offered to the top team.
would be great so we can plan approximately for the number of tables to set up &
8. Talk it up to your friends now so they can get their plans in their calendar now to join your team.
9. If you have been involved in the birdathon or bird walks, please pass the word to everyone you know.
Maybe they will have a group to bring. Remember, our goal is to help conservation!
If you are not a competitive person, but would love to help, we NEED SEVERAL MORE VOLUNTEERS. We could use JUDGES to score answers, 2 CASHIERS to count money, someone to run our RAFFLE DRAWINGS & slips, a SCOREKEEPER, 3 people to HANG FLIERS (I will design & email it to you, we would like each person to hang 20+), & 3 people to ask businesses for RAFFLE PRIZES (5-6 prizes per raffle gatherer).
BBAS is SOOOO Excited to do this event. If you want to help at it, & THEN be part of a team, that would be FABULOUS! I have coordinated these Trivia Nights many times before, & I can tell that people really have a blast & they are my repeat participants.
Please email me if you have any questions, or to reserve a table for a team, or to volunteer.
Thanks much!
Sincerely, Heather Sanders, treasurer of Big Bluestem Audubon Society